Wednesday, July 3, 2024

garlic sections

I am making great progress on garlic knots. I feel like I am seeing the puzzle finished. So far no missing pieces haha 

There are 10 rows and I have 6 done in sets of 2. I am already working on the borders, so that they will be ready to add when the center is done.

Monday, July 1, 2024

5 quilt June 2024 report

last report June, 3, 2024

I try to work on these 5 quilts until they are done. Their turn in the UFO closet is over, and, they need to be finished one way or another. My top priority this year are the quilts in the to be quilted closet.

I love to piece. I've noticed that a quilt lives a long time in the ufo closet for one of two reasons. Borders and quilting. I can almost piece a quilt in the same amount of time it takes to go from borders to finishing. And there were, are, so many inspirational quilts available to do.

 I finished 6 ufos in June. 

In June I wanted to finish 2 quilts In the 'to be quilted closet' before I did any other UFOs. I did the two I planned for June. I finished....

1. maple leaves - finished which I gave to a dear friend

64 x72

2. love jelly roll - My one monthly goal for June -  is finished

48 x 52

I worked on these older Ufos to finish them

1. scrappy mountain majesties  is finished

65 x72

2. strip weave finished

56 x 68

1. cathedral stars - It is an older ufo from 2016, a Bonnie hunter pattern. the top is finished and sent to the to be quilted closet.

windy day

2. scrappy twirl new in March - I have all the blocks pieced  or so I thought. I want it to be bigger and will add a few more blocks and will start the rows. I am really dragging my feet on this one. That is what happens when I didn't have a plan at the start.

3. garlic knots - I have started building the borders while I am joining the rows. I cut many of the pieces for the sashings and borders last year for the rainbow scrap challenge according to the color of the month. It has been really nice to have the pieces ready to go.

corner blocks

4. dark strings needed a border- from string quilt revival book - finished and sent to the to be quilted closet.

5. lozenges are the 2014 quiltville leader/ ender challenge- I have all the blocks and need to assemble the quilt top 

My PHD for June

Looking forward to July:

 quilts to be quilted from the closet -top priority - I have 14 still to go.

1. dsp older

2. every which way - This will be my one monthly goal for July

ufo projects for July:

1. garlic knots assembly

2. scrappy twirl - make more and assembly of the top

3. lozenges leader/ ender challenge making rows

4. halloween stripe runner from the beginning looking for the pattern

5. kaliedescope - mary huey workshop

6. neutral territory

next on the longarm

1. glitter quilted

2. Christmas snowflake quilted

customer pause

3. scrappy sandwiches

4. umbrien fields wall hanging

5. basket - back door

6. turning 20 baby pink flannel

I am linking: