Monday, June 17, 2024

cleaning and more

Our youngest son has moved to his own place and we are cleaning and painting his room. I started with the closet. I knew I wanted it for my backings. In a pile, they had become annoying. Digging through them all to find one the right size and temperament was exhausting. I measured and hung all I could and even at least today have them in size order largest to smallest. I have the measured size on a piece of paper on each one. I have the 3 yard 108 wide backings folded on the shelf. It does make me happy.

Now, that I have sugar grove blocks prepared to sew, I am not making monkey wrench as leaders and enders as often. I am using the sugar grove instead. But, I miss them. I sewed a few this week to stay in touch with them. I didn't want them to feel unloved. a happy block is a happy quilt.


  1. As our children left home, I also converted their room into a sewing space. Having the backings hanging is so much more convenient than folded in a drawer. Happy stitching!

  2. Brilliant idea of hanging the backings. I hang my finished tops. If I have a backing to go with it usually gets hung with the quilt top. Makes it easy to see what is ready to quilt.

  3. LOL -- it's not the back bedroom, it's the backings bedroom!

  4. Getting those backings all organized is a big task, but so rewarding. Easy to find the one you want now.

  5. Those Monkey Wrench blocks are so cute I'd miss them too. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  6. Read cleaning--came for motivation. We've gotten the living room looking better, then I walk into my sewing/craft/office room......

  7. It's always nice to get more closet space. I did the same when Grad Girl moved to Texas. It's so nice when you don't have to search all over for something.
