Friday, September 6, 2024

umbrien fields finish

This is a wall hanging pattern from a different box of crayons that is finished. Our guild had her as a speaker and she offered a workshop in 2017 of a beautiful quilt that I also bought, which is still not finished. But, I did finally finish the wall hanging as part of my 5 quilt project. She introduced us to the idea that we could use other fabrics combined with cotton. This wall hanging has silk, velvet, satin, wool and other shiny stuff.

25 x 25 = 4 yards

I bound it in velvet. Not a good idea - it looks good but my sewing machine thought I was crazy.

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  1. Fabulous finish. Do you like the idea of mixing different types of material?

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! I love the mix of fabrics.

  3. Thats a fun piece!! I have mixed cotton and flannel - but hadn't thought of the others. Did you like it?

  4. Mixed materials create one more contrast in the art principles list. This quilt is full of contrasts, small/big prints, velvet/cotton, pieced/appliquéd and of course, light/dark values. What a great project to finish.

  5. A fabulous finish! Velvet binding? You are very brave!

  6. Such a lovely finish! I'm struck by how fitting it is to see poppies today. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
