Monday, September 30, 2024

5 quilt September 30, 2024

   last report September 2, 2024

I try to work on these 5 quilts until they are done. Their turn in the UFO closet is over, and, they need to be finished one way or another. My top priority this year are the quilts in the to be quilted closet.

It was a good month for finishing despite health issues. I was able to see some oldies finished. I didn't add to the quilting closet, so, hopefully, I will move the piecing and assembling along next month, but, I will be starting radiation and I don't know how that will affect me. Always an adventure.

 I finished 4 ufos in September

 I wanted to finish 2 quilts In the 'to be quilted closet' before I did any other UFOs. I did the two I planned for September. I finished....

1.cheddar jubilee  my one monthly goal for September is finished

2. garlic knots is finished

I worked on these older Ufos to finish them

1. umbrien fields is finished

25 x 25

2. dark strings is finished 

66 x 80

3. halloween stripe runner is almost finished

4. scrappy twirl new in March -I just can't seem to take this quilt seriously. Maybe I should put it back in the box. But, no, I will not be intimidated,  I am leaving it on my design wall and will wait patiently for inspiration.

5. midnight flight - all the cheddar chain blocks are done. I am working on the red chain blocks. Finishing all the blocks will be my October one monthly goal. I hope I can have the big star blocks together, too, but I want to be cautious.

6. kaliedescope - mary huey workshop -ready for borders - lost really just lost - I am devastated

My PHD for September

Looking forward to October:

 quilts to be quilted from the closet -top priority 

1. box kite

2. lozenges

ufo projects for October

1. scrappy twirl -persevere

2. midnight flight -make red blocks

3. charming - needs assembly

4. tiny tuesday -finish blocks

5. halloween runner -bind

6. grandpas star - needs assembly

next on the longarm- all that's left in the closet

1. box kite
2. split nine patch
3. wedding ring roads
5. lozenges


  1. I’ve had much trouble keeping up with my blog reading, but I landed here today. I didn’t know about your health issues, and I’m so sorry you’re having to go through it. I wish you the best. You are certainly a prolific quilter, and the quilts are beautiful. Sue at

  2. You have had so many wonderful finishes lately! Cheddar Jubilee is a beauty. Keep going!

  3. Your quilts all look so great and so intricate (read: LOTS of piecing!). Getting ready to start my third garlic knot quilt. I hope you do well with the radiation. Sending prayers!

  4. So sorry for all the health issues, those are never easy to navigate. Maybe if you don't get much stitching done, you'll feel like getting some rug hooking done. Good luck with your stitching plans for October. And hoping the chemo goes smoothly.
