Friday, June 14, 2024

maple leaves finish

 I  started making blocks in 2017 . As part of 5 quilts, I added sashing and assembled the top in 2022. It has had it's day for quilting and now it is a finished Ufo. I really like the classic maple leaf block. I made it with 2 1/2 inch squares and hsts from a jelly roll and added scraps later. I plan on gifting this to a long time friend who loves purple.

64 x 72 = 14 yards

number 18 ufo finish

So far, all the quilts I have quilted this year has been the same free form loops and circles quilting. I like doing it and it is quick and easy.

I am linking to:


  1. Congrats on a very pretty finish, the purple sashing really works. The backing is really fun too.

  2. #18 finished?!! Good for you!

  3. The random placement of a few bright leaves amidst the more muted leaves really caught my attention and make this quilt special.

  4. I like the classic maple leaf block, too, and that is a beautiful quilt full of them! Congratulations on your finish!

  5. Such a classic block. Love your choice of fabrics. You may do the same quilting for a few quilts but that's how you get real good! The quilting looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  6. Super quilting! A pretty quilt in a pretty palette, I'm sure it will be loved & used a. lot!
