Wednesday, June 5, 2024


 I laid out all the blocks again for scrappy twirl. I still am not inspired with an answer of how I want this. I did realize that I could make 1/2 hexagons to finish the edges. I could cut them from blocks or I could make all white with black. I just need to keep looking and it will come to me. I thought my notes said I made 50 blocks but there is 31- and then there's that.

I am linking:

wednesday wait loss


  1. I do love those twirl blocks. I finally did a hexie quilt and sewed them together using the half hexie method. Sew horizontal rows of the 1/2 hexies and finish with a triangle. You justh have to make sure to match the blocks to their partners! Good luck , it will be a beauty!

  2. Such pretty blocks! I'm sure the final layout will come to you as you think about the various possibilities. I can't wait to see what you decide! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  3. Such pretty stars! Lots of Y seams unless you have them cut in half. I am still following your UFO progress; I like finishing things up this year as well. It feels good to whittle down the pile.

  4. Very pretty blocks. Sometimes you have to let the final design simmer a bit before you hit on what works for you.

  5. Half hexes in white/black came to me right away.
