Friday, June 28, 2024

love jelly roll finish

I found the pattern for this quilt on a blog from hideaway girl in 2020. I started piecing in 2022 with a homemade jelly roll as part of my 5 quilt project. and it was ready for quilting in April 2022. It has waited in the to be quilted closet until June this year. I made it my one monthly goal for June to finish it as part of my 5 quilt project. I chose this quilt as my one monthly goal for June and it is finished.

48 x 52 = 7 yards

I am linking to:


  1. Simple, but effective scrappy project. Congrats on another finish!

  2. Nice job, I like it. Congrats on meeting your June goal.

  3. That's a very cool pattern -- great colour palette you chose, too!
