Monday, April 4, 2022

5 quilts April 4, 2022

  My 5 quilts progress report. My last report March 21

1. Rainbow scrap challenge - pink- I cut and sewed all the yellow hunter's star blocks for March.

and I started with pink for April with candy blocks

2. I used a random number generator and I opened the box for an older ufo called 'every which way' by gigis thimble that I started in 2016. It looks like the top is made and just needs borders. There is enough fabric left to make them. I really don't remember where or how I started this one. But, it is cute.

3. rhododendren mystery - hunter -  I have started block B - I am sewing the center part and will add the framework when the centers are done. There are a lot of the little hourglass units. I cut the neutral squares, and garnet squares I will need.

4. Love jelly roll This is the 4th jelly roll used for the year. I am aiming for 12. I don't really like making this quilt. So, I have set the goal to add a round each time I work on it. It is taking a little longer than I had hoped.

5. DSP9-  I had a box of 9 patches that I had set aside to make disappearing 9 patches. After I cut them, I was thinking I would just put them in an orphan box, but I didn't. I started sewing them with all the same orientation into rows. And I liked them better. 3 rows of 3 so far.

MY  next on the longarm of my own quilts in the 'to be quilted' closet. I am not getting ahead on this. I now have 43 in my pile.

1. shine -on the frame - quilted  - trimmed -binding done - finished here - hooray

customer quilt time pause

2. bricks in the barnyard -found - back- binding

customer quilt time pause

3. tiger, tiger

4. EPP green

5. lotus flower?

I am linking:


  1. Every project is lovely and they all seem to say "spring".

  2. Oh my word — you have 43 of your own tops that are completely assembled and waiting for quilting?!! I feel freaked out that I have just TWO of my own tops that I can’t seem to carve out enough time to get quilted! But then you are way more productive than I am. Your RSC blocks just seem to multiply on their own while I’m still “fixing to get started” on something, as we say in the South (when we are procrastinating)!

  3. Lots of progress! Good job. (That is a LOT of quilt tops waiting!)

  4. Hi Maggie,
    You are making great progress on your quilts! Thanks for faithfully linking up with Design Wall Mondays Linky Party. I always enjoy reading ab out your progress. Good Job! Hugs, Judy

  5. My goodness you are so productive! Those candy blocks are cute, and I love Gigi's pattern. I like that 9-patch layout.
    Thanks for linking your post with To Do Tuesday!

  6. You certainly have been busy. Beautiful work. Interesting Ds9P

  7. Looks like you've got a lot of quilts to longarm, but I have no doubt you'll get to them soon. You're a tiger when it comes to getting things done! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
