Saturday, April 9, 2022

pink blossoms

I cut for my pink projects and the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.

go fish 2 1/2, waffle stamp 1 1/2, easy breezy 1 1/2

I had enough blossom time strips already cut to make all the pink I would need, from when I started this quilt a few years ago. I did need to cut the HSTS and make more stems and leaves. And, now, I am out of any premade 4 patches for the corners going forward. Rhododendron trail mystery quilt had seriously decimated my pink scraps, so, it is a good thing I had these already in the box.

I canned 9 pints of ham chunks this week. The ham was a good sale price and my freezer is full.  I haven't done ham before and I was surprised how dark the water became after pressure canning.  I am already looking forward to ham and beans next winter.


  1. The blossom flowers are so pretty! Happy stitching!

  2. What a wonderful bouquet of PINK Tulip Time blocks, Maggie!!

  3. LOL, I think Bonnie Hunter projects are champs at helping us use up our scraps. I thought my blues and yellows were out of control, but now… not so much! Those tulip blocks are lovely - good thing you had pieces set aside!

  4. Those are some pretty blooms you have there! Glad you still had some pink scraps to play with.

  5. Your pink blossoms are so pretty.

  6. Pretty blocks! Good idea to can the ham... I had not thought of that.

  7. I really like the blossom blocks. This pattern is on my list. Never thought about canning ham but that sounds good!

  8. Love your tulips. They are so cute with the 4-patch. I am working on my MIL table runner which has the same block without the 4-patch. It makes such a difference. ;^)

  9. I have a thing for tulips so adore these blocks. Perfection!

  10. These little pink tulip blocks are perfect for spring. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  11. Ham and beans sounds great! Love those Blossom Time blocks. So pretty! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  12. Love your blocks. Thank you again for linking up to Put your foot down.
