Saturday, April 23, 2022

pink star and crown blocks

I found some lovely pinks in my reproduction fabrics and scraps to make these star and crown blocks for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy

The farmer around us "cleaned" our fence row with a skid steer and claw. He did a lot of damage to our trees and made a big pile to burn 12 feet behind our property. He did pick a misty morning to burn it, but, I was very anxious about it spreading to our place.
Trees are being destroyed all around our area for "progress" I think the green people should be more concerned about that. It will take generations to restore that ecosystem. sigh....

I am linking to:


  1. Those are pretty blocks! I'm so sorry to see that about the trees - we need more trees, not fewer!

  2. That is an awesome block for scrappy options. I can imagine them in a whole rainbow of colors.

    We've had so much wind the past few months that there has been a constant warning about burn bans. Plus we're in a drought. But a few people still ignore those warnings and there have been a couple of grass fires last week.

  3. Really pretty pink Star and crown blocks! I agree with you about the destruction of ecosystems! It’s to the point of criminal!

  4. What a lovely selection of PINK scraps in these blocks, Maggie!

  5. Your pink blocks are lovely, Maggie.
    I am so sorry with all the damage people do to nature.

  6. Beautiful star and crown blocks! So sorry about the trees. I wish more of us thought about the long term instead of just what's expedient this minute.

  7. You did a great job using loads of scraps on your blocks. I agree about the ecosystem -- trees and water are oftentimes overlooked.
