Sunday, June 30, 2024

stash report June 30, 2024

Here is another piece of fabric from the sale. I have a bag I still need to photograph and of course, pet.

stash report June 30, 2024 

 fabric added this week: 3 yards

 fabric added year to date for 2024: 46 yards    

fabric used:  -   7 yards - love jelly roll finish 

48 x 52

fabric used year to date for 2024: 331 yards 

308 yards used more than bought in 2024

I sewed 6 days last week. 

My progress is slow since I have a self imposed restriction on hooking only at guild and for a couple of hours. Each picture looks much the same as the last. Still I am making progress on the big sky background.  clean up has begun on an area in the living room so that I can hook a little each day or it will never get done. I just didn't want the mess in the living room but I am confident that I can make it work.

last week

this week

I am linking to:


  1. Rug hooking proceeds like embroidery does, slowly and the time spent often doesn't show on the project. Happy stitching this next week.

  2. Your rug hooking is coming along nicely. There is a reason why we call it slow stitching. Slow and steady wins the race! Great jelly roll quilt! Gail at the cozy quilter

  3. That quilt is so pretty. I like the scrolled that you hooked.
