Monday, June 3, 2024

5 quilts June 2, 2024

   Last report May 1, 2024

I try to work on these 5 quilts until they are done. Their turn in the UFO closet is over, and, they need to be finished one way or another. My top priority this year are the quilts in the to be quilted closet.

 I finished 4 ufos in May. They were all quilts in the to be quilted closet. I did want to reduce the number of quilts that were in the closet. But it is a tradeoff with finishing ufos that need to be finished.

I wanted to finish 2 quilts In the 'to be quilted closet' before I did any other UFOs. I finished....

1. scrappy log cabin is finished

2.shirt anvil is finished

I worked on these older Ufos to finish them

1. Lucky stars is finished

2. florabunda is finished

3. cathedral stars - It is an older ufo from 2016, a Bonnie hunter pattern. I have started assembly and all the rows are made. I need to sit and pin them together.

3. scrappy twirl new in March - I have all the blocks pieced and will start the rows. I wish I had left them in halves and may still unpick if I have don't like sewing the y seams. I have laid them out again and stared at them trying to decide what I want to do next. I had an idea to move it along a bit.

4. garlic knots - I opened the box and began making rows. It is challenging with matching cornerstones in the sashing. All the parts are made or cut and I need to work one row at a time webbing the blocks and a row of sashing together before I can join the rows.

Looking forward to June:

 quilts to be quilted from the closet -top priority - I have 18 still to go.

1. maple leaves is on the frame

2. love jelly roll -this will be my one monthly goal for June

ufo projects for June:

1. cathedral stars center and borders

2. garlic knots making rows

3. scrappy twirl assembly of the top

4. dark strings needs a border 

5. lozenges - 2014 leader/ ender challenge

next on the longarm

1. scrappy mountain majesties quilted

2. strip weave

3. glitter

4. Christmas snowflake

5. scrappy sandwiches

6. umbrien fields wall hanging

I am linking:


  1. Those quilts are all beauties. Great job on finishing so many. But then I got the the Scrappy Twirl blocks and was IN LOVE!! Wow!! I have made that block for mug rugs but they are stunning in the bright colors with black and white backgrounds. I just may have to steal your idea.

  2. You've made great progress. I especially like your lucky stars quilt. Thanks for sharing in my Sew and Tell party.

  3. Very fun finishes. You've got some cute projects in the works too. You've done so well at sticking to the 5 quilts plan. Do you think you'll get all 18 that are currently in to be quilted closet done this year?

  4. Love the clear lists. You have been doing a phenomenal job this year getting stuff done.

  5. This is like a mini quilt show! So many pretty scrappy quilts and projects under way. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  6. Always looking for shirt quilts. I like the way the lighter sections beam in the Anvil quilt.
