Monday, May 20, 2024

more cathedral stars

It is really easy to start an on point quilt assembly, it's the middle that takes forever. Cathedral stars, is a Bonnie hunter pattern that is free on her site. I have several rows made, but, I am still making slow progress on assembly. the longest row is 11 blocks.

We have had the yellow peony for 3 years, and this is the first year it has made more than one bloom. yellow is my favorite color, so I had to try this unconventional color. Peony is  Indiana's state flower. I have always loved it's beautiful bloom. This has been such a lovely Spring for plants and flowers. And ahem weeds.



  1. I like the black contrast in your cathedral stars quilt.

  2. I have to think twice when assembling on-point rows. Even more challenging is when sashing is involved.

  3. On point quilts are challenging to assemble. If I haven't done one in a while, I always have to stop and think about how to do the setting triangles. You've got a good start on Cathedral Stars.

  4. Love these cathedral stars, Maggie! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

  5. Oh yellow is my favorite as well, and peonies are definitely one of my favorite flowers! How great to have both! Wow!

  6. What a beautiful peony. The color reminds me of the roses my grandmother had - soft yellow. The cathedral star blocks were pretty, but now the black just makes them pop! It will be a gorgeous quilt.
