Wednesday, May 8, 2024


I made a small assembly start on the scrappy twirl quilt which is part of my 5 quilts project. I don't have a pattern, just a picture. It is challenging to sew the Y seam but not impossible. I am thinking about how I will finish the edges. Apparently, I sure thought I was creative when I started these awhile ago LOL

I will have to do just a few at a time or I will get frustrated, or I will become good at it just before I finish. haha

I am linking:

wednesday wait loss


  1. It might be easier to sew these blocks together by hand than mess with sewing by machine. If you make a large quilt, you definitely be a Y seam expert by the end. Happy stitching!

  2. You could put half blocks on each end. Nancy in WA state

  3. Hopefully it will get easier as you go along. It's going to be a very fun quilt when it's finished.
