Sunday, May 26, 2024

stash report May 26, 2024

This was a delivery from missouri star. I rarely use batiks. I have been saving them for a 'special' occasion, which is silly. It's time to use them and enjoy them.

layer cake

stash report May 26, 2024

 fabric added this week: 3 yards

 fabric added year to date for 2024: 23 yards    

fabric used:  -   shirt anvil finish 25 yards  

74 x 94 = 25 yards

fabric used year to date for 2024: 256  yards 

250 yards used more than bought in 2024

I sewed 6 days last week. 

My progress is slow since I have a self imposed restriction to hooking only at guild and for a couple of hours. Each picture looks much the same as the last. Still I am making progress on the big sky background.

I attended my rug hooking guild meeting again and have made some progress above the santa and flag,

last time

I am linking to:


  1. Love the shirt anvil quilt. So many HST’s! Your hooking is coming along! Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. Go ahead and use that pretty fabric!! No special occasion is needed! There is always more good stuff!

  3. Shirt Anvil is a fabulous quilt! Such a variety of shirts used. Your hooked rug is progressing nicely.

  4. Your stash metrics are always so inspiring. You've been moving a number of projects to finished. The rug is really starting to looked filled in. Happy stitching this week.

  5. Your batik layer cake looks scrumptious! I'm sure you'll find a great way to use it.

  6. Those batiks are gorgeous. Like you, I save mine for later... and not knowing when later will happens ;) Great progress on the rug hooking! Thank you for sharing your pretty finished quilt.

  7. I love batiks. Isn't strange that we save things for a special project and then often never use them? I am trying not to do that anymore. I look forward to seeing what you make with those pretty batiks.

  8. Gorgeous batiks and your flag is looking fabulous. Enjoy your week. Hugs

  9. What will you make with the batiks? I have a fat eighth bundle I need to use.
