Wednesday, May 15, 2024


 I have a cabinet in my sewing room that I hang all my in progress blocks. Most of the time, I don't even notice them. But, it caught my eye and made me smile. Quilts that I am finishing are usually in their own bag that I can take with me if I travel to social sewing. I keep them near the machine so that I can grab a bit of time with them at home. I enjoy participating in the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy every year.  But those projects are patience projects. I make a few every month for the whole year. I really don't flip them into a finish quilt in my mind, or until the end of the year. Sometimes, I don't think I am getting much done. It was good to see the wall of blocks and remember I am still working forward.

I am linking:

wednesday wait loss


  1. What a great idea! And the wall always reminds you that you are indeed making progress. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  2. That's such a fun photo, Maggie! I like seeing all kinds of things in progress, too - it gives you such a good feeling!

  3. It is hard to see progress a block at a time. Lots of fun quilts in the works hanging on your cabinet.
