Saturday, May 25, 2024

pink scraps again

All the hsts for sugar grove are done for pink and the rainbow scrap challenge. I actually had almost all I needed already cut as extras in my hsts drawer. I just needed to make them in sets for the number I needed in pink.

4 and 5s

I was able to set up 6 blocks for sewing by adding the new pink color.

I finished the hen and chicks blocks from so scrappy. I am not sure my fingers are nimble enough to enjoy the minis any more.

And with May my pink peonies are being showy in time for pink month. We have had this bush for as long as we have been married - 50 years this year. It always delights.

I am linking to:


  1. All of your pinks look nice, love the peony bush. Peonies smell so wonderful! Happy stitching!

  2. You've made good use of all those pinks. You did well on those small blocks, after the SAHRR, I was ready to be done with small!

  3. Happy Anniversary!! 50 years is quite an achievement and the peony bush is gorgeous. Great pink blocks.

  4. You've been busy sewing pink. All pretty blocks. Beautiful peonies. At the farm where I grew up, we had dark red/burgundy peonies. I admired the flowers every summer, they are so pretty.

  5. You've been busy sewing pink. All pretty blocks. Beautiful peonies. At the farm where I grew up, we had dark red/burgundy peonies. I admired the flowers every summer, they are so pretty.

  6. Pretty pink blocks, and lovely peonies! Happy Anniversary!

  7. Your blocks are so pretty in pink! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
