Monday, August 12, 2024

cheddar jubilee

This poor quilt was declared lost and I had given up hope. It was on my list as ready to be quilted. I looked everywhere. It had been on the 5 quilt project list, and when it's time came... lost. I mourned and moved on. Recently, I was looking for another ufo to piece and I found this quilt  in a box unfinished. Hooray but, I was looking everywhere else than a project box. I had started it in 2017. It started on quiltville as a QAL until it was shut down by the farmer's wife people. The  center is finished. What it needs are an inner border and the string blocks outer border.

I am linking:


  1. Cheddar really makes a statement in each block. Glad you found this project as it's too pretty to be lost and unfinished.

  2. So glad you found your lost project. Hope you can work back into you most recent list.

  3. As they say, you'll find it in the last place you look! What was the deal about Quiltville and Farmer's Daughter?

  4. Oh, I'm so glad you found this one, Maggie! That cheddar solid fabric adds so much zing and zest to your plaids and checks. It's going to be a fabulous finish!
