Monday, August 26, 2024

garlic knots quilt top

Last time I blogged about garlic knots, I realized it had an error in the way the blocks were turned. It was immediately put in time out to think about what it had done.  I was afraid I would have to take 3 rows apart to remake them. But the only row that was wrong, I could fix by redoing the sashing pieces on one end and reattaching the bottom sashing row.  

I cut the sashing and border pieces in 2023 per color of the month for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. So, all I needed to do was piece the borders and add them to the center. And now, it will go to the 'to be quilted' closet. Wait time for quilts in that closet have decreased considerably this year, as I have been more deliberate in picking those quilts for the 5 quilt project. 

I am linking:


  1. Garlic Knots is so pretty, love the border!

  2. What lovely scrapping! That border is perfect for the quilt. Well done! Thanks for sharing in my Sew and Tell party.

  3. Great piano keys border. For a minute I thought you made them look like real piano keys. Then I got a good look. It's terrific.

  4. it looks great - love the pattern and the scrappyness of this quilt

  5. It's so annoying when blocks turn themselves the wrong way!

  6. Glad that is was a relatively easy fix. Garlic Knots is such a fun scrappy quilt. You have done really well with the 5 quilts strategy this year.

  7. Wow! Such an amazing border for the Garlic Knots quilt. It is really interesting in its details and looks amazing. Great job!

  8. Lovely quilt! I'm so glad the error didn't take much effort to correct. I'm also glad that quilts don't spend much time waiting to be quilted because this will be so wonderful when finished! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  9. I love this quilt, Maggie! Glad you were able to correct it easily enough. You should push that one up to the front of the to be quilted closet!! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings. Have a great week.
