Wednesday, August 21, 2024

sugar grove

I have a few more sugar grove blocks finished. I am cutting orange this month, and I am sure that will make a few more block kits at the ready. I think I have a little over 20 already completed and another 20 blocks kits, and I need 72 blocks. I have been making them as leader enders this year but the focus was cutting and sewing 1800 hsts for the rainbow scrap challenge. Sewing the blocks is just a bonus.

I am linking:

wednesday wait loss


  1. Since HSTs come in pairs what are you doing with the extras? (=the five HSTs in the center)

  2. That's a lot of little HSTs to make, but they make a fun block in any color!

  3. What a great way to use up your scraps and do RSC! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
