Monday, August 5, 2024

halloween table runner

Funny story, I drew this older ufo for my 5 quilt project. The box and card said easy halloween stripe table runner. What could be quicker to finish? All that was in the box was what I thought was a kit including fabric. No pattern or instructions. What? Why didn't I purchase the pattern at the same time? It is a few years old but I tried looking on the quilt etc website - no clue. Then I googled halloween table runner- nothing striped. I googled the actual words on the package and the easy striped pattern showed up. Oh, I have that pattern and have used it before. That is why I didn't buy the pattern. The now me, would have liked a note.

remember the days when 1 1/2 yards of fabric at 8.95 was the expensive choice?

I love the fabric and I took a long while to find a pattern, then, the hunt was on for the ruler. nope- so I called a friend and I am borrowing hers until, miraculously, mine will appear when I am almost done. 

Long story to say I will be working on this soon for my ufo 5 quilt challenge. The older the ufo gets, the feistier it gets

I am linking:


  1. Our local quilt shop showcased this runner pattern yesterday. I've never made it and it looks fun. I have few stripes that would be perfect. Can't wait to see your Halloween runner!

  2. Oh yes, I love the idea of including notes when packing a project away. We always think we will remember things like that and then we waste time trying to figure it out all over again when we open the box years later. I'm glad you located your pattern and instructions and will be able to finish this runner!

  3. Oh yea... I often wished past me had left better notes to future me. Although I admit I am doing better with the notes. That's a great pattern -- I have it but have never used it... maybe someday.

  4. How far below the surface was the UFO kit? You'll have it done well before Halloween 2024!

  5. That fabric will make a great runner.

  6. We sell a lot of that pattern at the LQS. That's a perfect fabric + pattern match!!!

  7. Halloween projects are always fun to make. Glad you had some notes. I love getting notes with a project.

  8. Notes are great to have in a project. Halloween projects are fun to make. I mostly give them away to my daughter and family or friends.

  9. So you had a mystery UFO? I hear you on the notes. Thankfully most of my boxed UFOs either have a paper pattern in them. or I have a mock up in EQ. Good luck with this month's UFO.

  10. It looks a great idea to add note on the label 😉 Fun fabric to work with, it's going to be a pretty runner, ready for Halloween!

  11. I don't typically put UFOs away because I know me--I'd never finish them!--but if I'm even away from the sewing room for a few days, I'll make notes! LOL. You really can NOT make too many notes!

  12. That's a great pattern, I made several runners from the pattern several years ago. Happy stitching!

  13. I recognize that pattern! Hopefully you will find the ruler soon but at least you can use your friend's ruler for now. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
