Saturday, August 31, 2024

orange blocks

I worked on the hen and chicks this week in orange for the rainbow scrap challenge. I made three sets but didn't get to the 4th. Some of the pieces for the minis were smaller than my thumb LOL. I hope to still catch up with the rest of my orange scraps soon. I am already making plans for next year How about you? If you could see my 2 1/2 inch strip bag in blue, you could guess that will be a priority next year.

Today is my 50th wedding anniversary. It doesn't seem that long, but, I also don't believe I was ever that young either. 

I am linking to:


  1. Big & little - both are just lovely in orange.

  2. Happy Anniversary to you and your DH! Hope you have something fun planned to celebrate. Your orange blocks are really pretty!

  3. Happy 50th wedding anniversary! That is an achievement. The other day I was telling My Guy, when I said till death do us part, I didn't really understand what being married over the age of 60 was going to look like. Don't get me wrong, I'm happily married, but I just really didn't think what marriage would be at this point. Add another 20 years, hmmm?

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary. Thanks for sharing.

  5. First, congratulations on your 50th! Second, the hen and chicks are so much fun. I haven't started planning my 2025 RSC quilt, but the idea of hen and chick blocks is now percolating in my brain.

  6. Happy Anniversary & lovely oranges!

  7. Great orange hens & chicks! You did a good job. Congratulations on 50 years of marriage. That is truly cause for celebration! Any special plans?

  8. Happy anniversary! Those orange blocks look happy and sunshiny, and that's the kind of day I'm wishing for you. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
