Saturday, September 21, 2024

gray rows

I dug out my gray and black 2 1/2 inch strips and cut for 2 rows of Jos checkers.

And, I made 2 rows, and I am considering this quilt project done for making blocks. I may still use the rest of the year to sew rows together for the rainbow scrap challenge.

We have a new roof in progress. So glad I am not doing it. haha


  1. That's a sweet collection of grey strips, and should look great with the rest of the blocks.

  2. Love how your checkers blocks are offset from each other! Getting a new roof is a big job, and noisy! I, too, am glad I don't have to do that kind of work.

  3. Looking forward to seeing checkers come together. Happy stitching this week.

  4. Lovely grey strips that you are using! As for the roof. . .always nice to have a new one and yes. . .super happy not to be part of the process!!!---TerryK@OnGoingProjects
