Sunday, September 8, 2024

stash report September 8, 2024

I've dug some more out of the bag that was gifted to me and found more blocks and a few more scraps. I am thinking, I might want to add orphan blocks to my goals next year, maybe, even for the rainbow scrap challenge.

stash report September 8, 2024 

 fabric added this week: 0 yards

 fabric added year to date for 2024: 72 yards    

fabric used:  - 4 yards - umbrien fields is finished

25 x25 = 4 yards

fabric used year to date for 2024: 492 yards 

441 yards used more than bought in 2024

I sewed 3 days last week. 

I have some binding to do today as I take it slow and enjoy.

I am linking to:


  1. What a pretty wall hanging! Love the poppies! Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  2. I have some orphan blocks that I would like to use too. Still pondering how to do that.

  3. Such pretty orphan blocks and the little pumpkin quilt is adorable. Enjoy your day working on the binding. Hugs.


  4. Beautiful projects! Happy stitching!

  5. Incorporating gifted orphan blocks into a RSC project is a great idea! You have a pretty yellow block ready ;) Your poppy field is beautiful, fun mix of textures. Enjoy the slow stitching. And thank you for sharing your lovely projects!

  6. Love that fabric for the piece you're binding - it's very fun.

  7. Another good week with the stitching metrics. Orphan blocks are another challenge. Hopefully you can make a dent in those next year.
