Monday, September 2, 2024

5 quilt September 2, 2024

  last report July 31, 2024

I try to work on these 5 quilts until they are done. Their turn in the UFO closet is over, and, they need to be finished one way or another. My top priority this year are the quilts in the to be quilted closet.

I was able to finish some oldies but goodies and some that hadn't lived in the to be quilted closet very long. My goal for the year was to seriously make a dent in my quilts that needed to be quilted and I have. I started with 34 and I have 6 ready, now. Of course, as I finish an older ufo it also needs to be quilted.

 I finished 6 ufos in August. 29 ufos for 2024

In August,  I wanted to finish 2 quilts In the 'to be quilted closet' before I did any other UFOs. I did the two I planned for August. I finished....

1. neutral territory  from 2013 is finished

48 x 60

2. cathedral stars finished this year My one monthly goal for August

85 x 85

I worked on these older Ufos to finish them

1. garlic knots -ready for quilting

2. scrappy twirl new in March -I just can't seem to take this quilt seriously. Maybe I should put it back in the box. But, no, I will not be intimidated,  I am leaving it on my design wall and will wait patiently for inspiration.

4. halloween stripe runner from the beginning- top is ready for quilting

5. kaliedescope - mary huey workshop -ready for borders

6. cheddar jubilee -  adding borders

My PHD for August

ufo projects for August:

1. scrappy sandwiches is finished

61 x 74

2. the basket quilt is finished

40 x 50
3. churn dash is finished from 2 ufos

76 x 76

next on the longarm

1. cheddar jubilee  on the frame

2. diamond strings needs borders 

3. split nine patch

4. dark string - quilted

5. box kite

Looking forward to September:

 quilts to be quilted from the closet -top priority 

1.cheddar jubilee my one monthly goal for September

2. garlic knots

ufo projects for September

1. scrappy twirl -persevere

2. kaliedescope - mary huey workshop -borders

3. midnight flight make blocks

all the little parts

4. diamond string needs borders

ribbon border

5. tiny tuesday -finish blocks - it looks like I didn't finish the end of the year colors and blocks

next on the longarm

1. halloween runner
2. box kite
3. split nine patch
4. garlic knots
5. kaliedescope 

I am linking:


  1. No shortage of quilting to be done for you, we are all in the same boat with you, hehe. Cathedral Stars is stunning.

  2. You've made some fantastic progress on those UFOs. And you have a plan for next steps. Very inspirational! I have a big backlog of tops waiting to be quilted too. Guess piecing is my favorite thing.

  3. Six UFOs for August and 29 for the year is nothing to sneeze at. You've really made your 5 quilts strategy work for you.

  4. This is just so impressive. I'm in awe of your accomplishments every single month.

  5. Such an organized list! No wonder you get so many quilts done. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  6. I have 2 quilt tops that I eventually need to finish into quilts

  7. Each quilt is so unique in style and color palette. Great job on the wonderful finishes as you keep completing all your ufos. Woo Hoo for YOU!

  8. Glad you are keeping on keeping on, Maggie! Love that Cathedral Stars quilt! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings! Have a great week!
