Thursday, April 19, 2018

free Christmas quilt along

I have been scouring the internet on several occasions to find a pattern for Homespun Holiday for purchase in case anyone else would like to make one.

I haven't found any. My pattern is from a 2013 magazine that I had cut and saved for myself. Tanya Finken, who designed the pattern for Quilt magazine, doesn't seem to have an internet presence. and it looks like Quilt magazine went out of business. So I am baffled.  I don't want to step on any copyright laws, but I feel I have done my due diligence.
So, on that note, I have found the pattern named something else with the downloads for the same pattern. If you are interested, you can find it here. I will be sharing each week how I am making it and encourage anyone else who might be interested.
The first step would be to download the paper piecing templates. If you follow the link and scroll to the bottom of the page, there will be download links for the 16 inch block that I will be making. You need to print 8 copies of the square in a square ( Base block). You will need 64 copies of the built up square ( corner geese block). and 32 copies of the flying geese ( straight geese block).

I went to the dollar store and bought a great paper for tearing and printing and it was only a dollar per pad. Any cheap drawing paper will work. you will need 112 sheets of paper. Some of the templates will print 2 per page.

next week, I will have fabric requirements.

I am linking (links in the sidebar) to:
needle and thread thursdays
oh scrap


  1. Oh that's going to be very pretty. Thank you for the links.

  2. I have been scouring the Internet for this pattern and who'd have thought? I ended up on a blog I follow, and it looks like you have done the same. I practically have this entire thing cut out and I now find myself with no instructions or patterns. (Typical me: I do things one step at a time but I really should have looked it all over first!!). Your link for the pattern that you found isn't working. I'm desperate for any help you can give me!

  3. Thank you!! I also have been looking everywhere.

  4. I dont see the templates for the 16 inch block at the bottom of that page.
