Monday, April 2, 2018

Stash report April 2, 2018

Instead of the Easter Bunny, we were visited by the snow fairy. It is so beautiful. Especially, since it will not last. Spring will have it's day.
We have had a little time with our two Granddaughters.Which has left me with little time to sew. But, I don't mind.

It is time to reassess goals for the coming month for One monthly Goal. Typically, I lose time in April. There is so much going on around here, birthdays and gardening plans and the need to Spring clean. So I don't want to make goals that are too lofty and won't get done. Still, the one monthly goal has really been the motivation I have needed to get things done and enjoy the process of focusing and accomplishing something that is important to me.

I plan on getting the mystery quilt Carolina Crossroads finished. I am ready to make a back and quilt it. Surely I can get that done.

I have a Christmas quilt that I pieced with a friend. Hers is done ( I did the quilting) and she wants both of us to enter them in our quilt show this year in October. I need to make the back and quilt mine. Funny how I can get others quilts done but not my own... ok, not so funny.

I want to get back to snow days and see if I can get the top together.

Sunday, during general conference, I worked a bit on my rug hooking. I love  how it is looking.

I did get the green blocks cut for squared away qal at rainbow scrap challenge, but I didn't get them made into blocks and I didn't get them posted.

April's color is yellow/gold, perfect for Spring. Oh, wait, all colors are perfect for Spring!

Stash report

Fabric Used this Week 10 yards
Fabric Used year to Date: 165 3/4 yards

Fabric Added this Week: 0 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 39.75 yards

Net Fabric for 2018: 126 yards used more than purchased.

I sewed at least 15 min 5 days this week.

I am linking to:

Slow Sunday Stitching

sunday stash at quiltpaintcreate

15 min to stitch at life in pieces
 One monthly Goal

I am linking to:

Making Monday  link in sidebar
main Crush Monday   link in sidebar

boms away   link in sidebar


  1. Your rug is really coming along. Very pretty quilts on this month's list.

  2. Good luck on you OMG for April. I'm hoping this month is a bit slower for me. You did great on finding time to stitch. Looks like you've got a lot on your plate for this month too.

  3. Oh, I am so over the snow and cold weather. The calendar says spring, but outside, not so much! I love your rug hooking. That is something I would love to learn how to do. One day, when all the quilts are made... :)

  4. You are doing great in using up fabric so far this year - good job! And goal setting too. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Mondays - you inspire me, Judy

  5. Wow, you're doing great on using up stash! Wasn't this the most amazing conference in years? I can't remember when a conference was so filled with change and blessings. The snow IS beautiful, but only when it's at your house! =)

  6. I am amazed on so many levels. You've used 126 yards of fabric just in the last three months?!!! Your rug hooking project is breathtaking and I adore your Christmas quilt. I hope you do get it finished in time for the show!

  7. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.
