Wednesday, April 18, 2018

hippie baby part 2

Project #1, in the project box, was to take odds and ends blocks and leftover pieces from a quilt I did a few years ago and make a baby quilt with it.
I first had to take a rail off the rail fence blocks since mine had 5 rails and the pattern called for 4. But I knew I would use that rail as another piece.

Then I needed to cut the blocks into 4 1/2 inch strip sets.

 I added 7/8 of a yard of the light fabric that I showed in my blog post on Monday. I didn't have enough block fabric to make the 4 1/2 in rectangles, so I added from my 2 1/2 inch strip bin. Here it is all cut and ready to be assembled.

It was easy to add the side rectangles to the strip sets making an 8 1/2 inch block. I added 2 1/2 inch squares to the individual rectangles. And I made strip sets of 2 of 8 1/2 inch strips.

This is the alternate block.

I am thrilled to be using the leftovers from a previous quilt and to be actually sewing. I have been cutting, mostly, for some time, and I was restless for an easy project.

I am linking to:


midweek makers

Jo's Country Junction UFO
Bee Social
Silly Mama WIP


  1. I like the white! Congrats on all the progress. It is nice to see the left overs get used up too.

  2. Do you just love easy projects? Uses up fabric, and quick results - win-win!
