Wednesday, July 17, 2024

making lozenges rows

I have all the blocks for lozenges quilt in sets 2 by 6. I started making the rows in sets of 2 by 24. This is my next piecing project in my 5 quilts project also the 2014 quiltville leader/ender challenge. I am also trying to include the older ufos from the leader/ender challenges in my goal list or I might not ever finish them. I have a page at the top of the blog for my progress here.

I am linking:

wednesday wait loss


  1. I remember this challenge! I really like your version with black prints.

  2. You continue to make so much progress with your 5 quilts strategy.. Like Nann, I remember when you started this challenge. Time does fly doesn't it?

  3. Such lovely fabrics. I've always liked blue and brown. Can't wait to see the finish! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
