Wednesday, July 24, 2024

lozenge rows

I am making great prgress on my lozenges quilt. It is part of my 5 quilt project  and I am making rows in sets of 2. I am aiming for a 24 x 14 quilt. I made almost all of the blocks in 2014 as part of the quiltville leader/ ender challenge. I swapped blocks with some of my other quilting buddies. 

I have all 14 rows in sets of 2 sewn together. I just need to sit and pin them together.

I am linking:

wednesday wait loss


  1. I really like the colorway! The corner triangles provide little frames that highlight each print.

  2. Looking good! You've made some progress this week. This is going to be so pretty when it's done. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  3. You've made really good progress. Such a fun and scrappy project.
