Wednesday, June 26, 2024

lozenges start again

Oh my, another older ufo project box to open. Where in the world do they come from? I moved on to this quilt in the 5 quilt project to find a good piecing project to take to open sew. My notes are very sketchy but they are from 2014. This was the Bonnie Hunter leader/ender challenge from 2014. I do remember that we needed a lot of lozenge blocks -over 300 and that I swapped with my daughter and Lucy D.  It appears I wanted blue and brown. I have a few sets of 2 and 4 sewn together. The box smells a little musty, it has waited a longtime in the back of the closet. Bonnie had suggested black and white for the corners. I love that it is very scrappy.

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wednesday wait loss

Monday, June 24, 2024

garlic rows done

I have all the rows done for garlic knots and pinned together in order. I am so excited to see how it will go together.

And at a Friday group I was able to piece 2 rows together. Oh it is working very well and I really like it.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

stash report June 23, 2024

Last week, I mentioned a rummage sale of an older quilt guild member. Well. I went back and brought home 2 more bags of fabric from her stash. It will take me awhile to process them and claim them. Maybe, if I hide them, I will not have to confess. haha

108 wide backing

stash report June 23, 2024 

 fabric added this week: 5  yards

 fabric added year to date for 2024: 43 yards    

fabric used:  -   15 yards - strip weave finished

58 x 68

fabric used year to date for 2024: 324 yards 

304 yards used more than bought in 2024

I sewed 6 days last week. 

My progress is slow since I have a self imposed restriction to hooking only at guild and for a couple of hours. Each picture looks much the same as the last. Still I am making progress on the big sky background. I think I have decided to clean up an area in the living room again and hook a little each day or it will never get done. I just didn't want the mess in the living room but I am formulating a plan.

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Saturday, June 22, 2024

finishing with blue scraps

 I have my blue projects for June done a little early. But, I might still play a little with blue bits and pieces. I have spent some time cleaning out my son's old room and planning some quilting areas in the room. I am dreaming of having room for storing all my quilts I want to still keep. They are playing all over the house, making a mess. They may not want to give up their freedom and be confined to a small closet.

I made 2 traffic jam blocks

so fun

I made 3 more ripple blocks

inch by inch

and 2 more sugar grove blocks

step by step

there is progress

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Friday, June 21, 2024

strip weave finish

 Strip weave was my 2023 year's rainbow scrap challenge. I finished the missing blocks this year and assembled it. I made this from home made jelly roll strips. I was trying to reduce my drawer of 2 1/2 inch strips which magically renews itself every time I try. This year I have 4 -2 1/2 inch projects I am working on for the rainbow scrap challenge. Maybe, I will make some more progress emptying the drawer. I cut the 2 1/2 inch strip into10 1/2 inch strips for strip tease. Pretty quick and easy. I made 2 per month and had a donation quilt finish.

58 x 68 = 15 yards

I had a wonderful vintage sheet I could use for the backing and a scrappy binding.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

garlic knots again

 I am still plugging away on my garlic knots. The puzzle continues as I make the rows. I have 5 out of 10 ready to join. I have started going to my Friday sew group a little early and I can work a little better on this quilt without the conversations that I do cherish. best of both worlds

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Monday, June 17, 2024

cleaning and more

Our youngest son has moved to his own place and we are cleaning and painting his room. I started with the closet. I knew I wanted it for my backings. In a pile, they had become annoying. Digging through them all to find one the right size and temperament was exhausting. I measured and hung all I could and even at least today have them in size order largest to smallest. I have the measured size on a piece of paper on each one. I have the 3 yard 108 wide backings folded on the shelf. It does make me happy.

Now, that I have sugar grove blocks prepared to sew, I am not making monkey wrench as leaders and enders as often. I am using the sugar grove instead. But, I miss them. I sewed a few this week to stay in touch with them. I didn't want them to feel unloved. a happy block is a happy quilt.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

stash report June 16, 2024

Last week, I mentioned a rummage sale of an older quilt guild member. Well. I went back and brought home 2 more bags of fabric from her stash. It will take me awhile to process them and claim them. Maybe, if I hide them, I will not have to confess. haha

6 yards

1 1/2 yards

stash report June 16, 2024 

 fabric added this week: 7 1/2  yards

 fabric added year to date for 2024: 38 yards    

fabric used:  - maple leaves finish 14 yards

64 x 72

fabric used year to date for 2024: 309 yards 

294 yards used more than bought in 2024

I sewed 5 days last week. 

I am working on a cross stitch sampler designed by Melissa at pinker n punkin - I think it can be found here .  Yippee I have finished the cross stitching and I love it. It has been 30 years since I cross stitched before, and, I will have to dig out my memories of how to finish it. Although, I have an old cutting board that I might see if it would fit.

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Saturday, June 15, 2024

blue scraps week 3

I cut all the hsts I need for sugar grove blocks and with the new color I was able to set up 8 more blocks to sew together

I finished several other blocks for the rainbow scrap challenge. I made windmills in blue from 2 1/2 inch strips.

and added more ripple blocks made with 1 1/2 inch strips

Friday, June 14, 2024

maple leaves finish

 I  started making blocks in 2017 . As part of 5 quilts, I added sashing and assembled the top in 2022. It has had it's day for quilting and now it is a finished Ufo. I really like the classic maple leaf block. I made it with 2 1/2 inch squares and hsts from a jelly roll and added scraps later. I plan on gifting this to a long time friend who loves purple.

64 x 72 = 14 yards

number 18 ufo finish

So far, all the quilts I have quilted this year has been the same free form loops and circles quilting. I like doing it and it is quick and easy.

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

more garlic knots

Garlic knots was a free pattern in quiltmaker magazine in 2016. I am currently working on piecing the center of the quilt and it is a puzzle. I am webbing a row with it's sashing row under it. Then, when I join the rows the matching color sashing pieces will match-  fingers crossed. 

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wednesday wait loss

Monday, June 10, 2024

cathedral top finish

My current 5 quilt project has been  cathedral stars  an older ufo from 2016, a Bonnie hunter pattern. I just finished all the piecing and the borders. I like it much better than I thought I would. I have decided to add it to the to be quilted closet to wait for it's turn on the longarm. Right now, I am still quilting this month's quilting goals. I am enjoying the break from big quilts. My new piecing project is garlic knots.

We had a beautiful rainy day with just the right amount of sunshine to see a double rainbow.

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Sunday, June 9, 2024

stash report June 9, 2024

An older quilt guild member was cleaning out her stash and had a rummage sale. I bought way too much. She was a persuasive seller. LOL I usually start looking at neutrals. Most of what she was selling was civil war type fabrics. They aren't as popular right now, but it is hard to find a sale on them... and I love them. 

stash report June 9, 2024 

 fabric added this week: 4 1/2  yards

 fabric added year to date for 2024: 30 1/2 yards    

fabric used:  -  scrappy mountain majesties finish 14 yards

fabric used year to date for 2024: 295 yards 

287 1/2 yards used more than bought in 2024

I sewed 6 days last week. I sewed with my Friday group this week. It was nice to visit with them and helps with motivation.

I am working on a cross stitch sampler designed by Melissa at pinker n punkin - I think it can be found here .  Yippee last block. Now, I have to go back and check all the finishing details and decide how I want it displayed. I am so excited. It is so cute 


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Saturday, June 8, 2024

blue scraps week 2

I started culling through my 2 1/2 inch blue drawer for the rainbow scrap challenge. I cut for Jos checkers and  made 2 rows, one in dark blue, one in light and medium blues. I still need 4 more colors and 7 more rows.

I sewed a pink and blue row together 

And a pink and yellow row together

I made 3 zig zag ripple blocks, but I have cut for 8.

Friday, June 7, 2024

scrappy mountain majesties finish

My paper work says I started this quilt in 2016 and that all the blocks were sewn. It was planned as a boy donation quilt. This is a free Bonnie Hunter pattern available at Quiltville called scrappy mountain majesties. I finished it in 2021 as part of the 5 quilts project, and it made it's way to the 'to be quilted' closet. I started quilting it the last of May, and, now, it is finished. 

65 x 72 = 14 yards

I used riley blake fabric that I bought while visiting my daughter in Utah. 

I used a soft royal blue flannel for the back and loopy circles quilting. This is my 17th finish for 2024.

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Wednesday, June 5, 2024


 I laid out all the blocks again for scrappy twirl. I still am not inspired with an answer of how I want this. I did realize that I could make 1/2 hexagons to finish the edges. I could cut them from blocks or I could make all white with black. I just need to keep looking and it will come to me. I thought my notes said I made 50 blocks but there is 31- and then there's that.

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wednesday wait loss

Monday, June 3, 2024

5 quilts June 2, 2024

   Last report May 1, 2024

I try to work on these 5 quilts until they are done. Their turn in the UFO closet is over, and, they need to be finished one way or another. My top priority this year are the quilts in the to be quilted closet.

 I finished 4 ufos in May. They were all quilts in the to be quilted closet. I did want to reduce the number of quilts that were in the closet. But it is a tradeoff with finishing ufos that need to be finished.

I wanted to finish 2 quilts In the 'to be quilted closet' before I did any other UFOs. I finished....

1. scrappy log cabin is finished

2.shirt anvil is finished

I worked on these older Ufos to finish them

1. Lucky stars is finished

2. florabunda is finished

3. cathedral stars - It is an older ufo from 2016, a Bonnie hunter pattern. I have started assembly and all the rows are made. I need to sit and pin them together.

3. scrappy twirl new in March - I have all the blocks pieced and will start the rows. I wish I had left them in halves and may still unpick if I have don't like sewing the y seams. I have laid them out again and stared at them trying to decide what I want to do next. I had an idea to move it along a bit.

4. garlic knots - I opened the box and began making rows. It is challenging with matching cornerstones in the sashing. All the parts are made or cut and I need to work one row at a time webbing the blocks and a row of sashing together before I can join the rows.

Looking forward to June:

 quilts to be quilted from the closet -top priority - I have 18 still to go.

1. maple leaves is on the frame

2. love jelly roll -this will be my one monthly goal for June

ufo projects for June:

1. cathedral stars center and borders

2. garlic knots making rows

3. scrappy twirl assembly of the top

4. dark strings needs a border 

5. lozenges - 2014 leader/ ender challenge

next on the longarm

1. scrappy mountain majesties quilted

2. strip weave

3. glitter

4. Christmas snowflake

5. scrappy sandwiches

6. umbrien fields wall hanging

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