I have a finish for Friday. My trip a around the world baby quilt for charity is quilted and bound. I taught a workshop for this quilt for my guild.
45 x 64 = 12 yards |
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I have a finish for Friday. My trip a around the world baby quilt for charity is quilted and bound. I taught a workshop for this quilt for my guild.
45 x 64 = 12 yards |
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you may remember I wrote this about my clarissa quilt.
It will take awhile, but, there is no hurry. I won't notice how tedious they are, if, I am talking and having fun. haha
I have a love/ hate relationship with Jen kingwell patterns. I fall in love with the quilts, but, agonize over the patterns and execution. My quilting buddies decided to make wensleydale found in kingwell's book. I started gathering scraps and colors for it. The templates and book was pricey, so I waited for a cheaper alternative. I ended up buying the paper piecing papers over the templates. But, I waited until I wanted to paper piece the blocks, which didn't happen. So, I bought the templates, anyway. They are fiddley to cut. My cut pieces don't match up like I would like, at all. I think I figured out why. I set my seams to a scant 1/4 inch. I think jen uses a true 1/4 inch and with 7 sets of blocks in each block that can make a difference. I am having better luck by increasing my seam allowance.
I found another batch of neutrals hidden in a box. geesh I did cut several shirt quilts awhile back that will need a background. I expect I will start mass cutting those soon. But, I am not sure why the fabric plays hide and seek in boxes.
stash report June 25, 2023
fabric added: 4 yards
135 1/ 2 yards used more than bought
I sewed 6 days last week.
I took a picture of my border work on my village rug, and compared it to the start of rug hooking the border. I have made progress.
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I am color planning my next project. I think it will motivate me to keep going. I have neglected my hexie quilt, and, want to work on that a bit today.
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I had time this week to raw edge applique the daisies for girlie garden, and, assemble the quilt top. I had added it to my rainbow scrap challenge list in February, when, I had extra time from my other projects and the color was pink. It is an older ufo in pink, that, I could finish, if, I had time each month. It is June, and, I am almost ready to quilt it. It has been slow going, since I have stayed busy with my regular rsc projects.
last report May 29 2023
I try to work on these 5 quilts until they are done. Their turn in the UFO closet is over, and, they need to be finished one way or another. I decided that for 2023, rather than work a little on each one at a time, I would concentrate on just one. I still use the list to plan and look ahead.
I have made more progress than I thought I had this last month on my 5 quilts. Progress seems small, as there are so many steps to each one, and I may only do part of one at a time, but, overall, I am seeing some finishing.
1. wensleydale a jen kingwell pattern - I have made 30 or so. I need 60. I try to make 2 every morning. It surprised me, when I counted, that I am over half way done with the blocks. They seem to take forever.
2. Block of the month UFO Saturday soire. This an older UFO from 2013. I have been able to start assembly. It is my one monthly goal for June, so, I hope to see a finish. I worked and worked to get all the assembly pieces together and then, poof, it was almost together.
3. plaid kaliedescope - I have cut many , many wedges, and need to sort them into block combos to see how many I have, and how many I still need to cut.
4. rectangle wrangle quilt.-I thought this would make a good portable project, But, I mostly sew a couple blocks every morning. I have all ( 42) uphill blocks finished. Next are the downhill blocks. It will take a few to break my groove and start another groove.
5. wonky wishes is a new ufo project added in June. It was surprising how quickly I was able to quilt and finish.
MY next on the longarm of my own quilts in the 'to be quilted' closet.
1.. scrapbox chevron is finished
2. wonky wishes 2017 is finished
customer pause
3. checkered past is finished
customer pause
4. taw baby quilt
5. ubi
hand me down
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I am still working on the room next to my sewing room. I have unearthed more mess, and, I can see some progress. I do the cleaning dance - go through messes on the floor and sort them onto a bed or ironing board, then, go through those messes, and put them back on the floor, and repeat. Eventually, the messes finally shrink and the spot is empty.
bed |
ironing board |
Over time, as I work on this fun side project, I need to cut a few more pieces. I bit the bullet and spent some time cutting the rest of what I needed for 120 blocks. I didn't cut all the background, but, the shirts are all cut and ready for when I need a snails trail fix. This is one of my favorite blocks to sneak in between my "real" projects. I love the look and feel and the way the blocks just fit together. bliss
I am adding purple, orange and yellow to my stash in anticipation of a projects I want to make. I have a much smaller stash of these colors. I noticed my green scrap drawer is almost impossible to close. I am guessing, I will start a green project soon to use the scraps. It is, after all, a see saw balance of adding and subtracting fabrics. Next week, our guild is having a garage sale. All bets are off, when shopping there - anything could jump into my bag. haha
stash report June 18, 2023
fabric added: 6 yards
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I tidied the 1 1/2 inch blue strips and separated light and dark. I pulled shorter pieces for 4 patches.
I went with quilty friends to an open sew, and, began putting pieces together for my Block of the month UFO Saturday soire.
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I have made progress on my rectangle wrangle quilt. I try to make 2 blocks every day. There are 84 blocks, so slow and steady wins the race. I tried to take it with me for a portable project, but, made too many mistakes. It has to stay home. poor baby
This is supposed to be a guest room. But, since, I don't have guests, I have stuffed everything, I don't know where to put, in there. I have an ironing board set up for ironing bigger pieces and quilts. To the right, is a thigh high pile of fabric and projects going back about 3 feet. I have 3 billy bookcases( ikea) of fabric that I can't open the doors. which means I can't put fabric away, either, which has contributed to the pile.
from the door |
quilt cut offs |
I found more hidden treasures in my cleaning adventures. I can always use neutrals and I like to have different prints in my scrappy quilts.
fabric added: 4 yards
I don't need any more blue for my rainbow scrap challenge projects. So, I decided a little tidying was in order. I separated my dark and light blue chunks in the scrap drawer. I added some pieces to the 'cut or get rid' box. And, then, I found a little more room. hooray
When Bonnie Hunter was doing quiltcams, she introduced this quilt, as she was working on it. I really liked it, and, started making a few blocks along with her in 2012. It languished in the ufo closet for awhile and then I managed to complete the top in 2017. Then it languished in the "to be quilted" closet until It had a turn as one of my 5 quilts project. I had an empty longarm for a moment, and, now, I have a wonky wishes finish.
It was fun to revisit it, and, all the scrappy fabrics, I used to make the top. The blocks are made of 2 1/2 inch squares. The stars use cast off triangles. The sashings are strings and crumbs.
80 x 93 = 23 yards |
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