Friday, June 2, 2023

a cleaning finish

My April goal was to clean the sewing room floor which took until middle May to finish. A by product of that cleaning, was to clean the cutting table, too. This is a Friday finish with great benefit. 

It went from this....


to this...


By cleaning this, my scrap management just improved. And, I am working diligently on my ironing room in May ( and probably June) When I run into a stack of mess, I have this lovely table to sort and cut. yipee. I have been very careful to clean it every night, to keep it that way.

I  have all the sashings  finished for Saturday soire

which way?

I am linking to:


  1. Your cutting table looks wonderful and very handy for sorting. Happy stitching!

  2. Ohh I love a clean workable surface!! Go you!

  3. I admire your perseverance! Somehow I can never get my table looking like that. . .have a good weekend!

  4. Isn't it crazy how flat surfaces attract items? Good for you to clear that cutting table and keep it that way!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  5. I love before and after photos of sewing rooms, especially when they're this dramatic! Nice job! Love those sashings too.

  6. What a great job you did! It is nice not to have to move things in order to work on a project.

  7. Good on you for the work you did in cleaning up, and pledging to keep it that way. What an awesome cutting table! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
