Wednesday, June 14, 2023

wrangle progress

I have made progress on my rectangle wrangle quilt. I try to make 2 blocks every day. There are 84 blocks, so slow and steady wins the race. I tried to take it with me for a portable project, but, made too many mistakes. It has to stay home. poor baby

With some of the leftover tiny pieces I sewed a little extra to my denim dress.

I  am linking to:

oh scrap


  1. Your blocks are great but I especially love your denim dress! I have a denim jumper that's worn out across the lap and knees. I think it's too big for a repair/embellishment like this, though.

  2. Rectangle Wrangle is looking good. Ooh, I like those additions to your denim dress, they really brighten it up. Happy stitching today. And good luck with your sewing room clean up, I so need do that too, but I'd so much rather sew.

  3. This will be such a pretty quilt. Love how you used the leftovers on your dress. So clever! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  4. Those blocks are wonderful -- the rectangles and slant are energetic!
