Saturday, June 24, 2023

girlie garden quilt

I had time this week to raw edge applique the daisies for girlie garden, and, assemble the quilt top. I had added it to my rainbow scrap challenge list in February, when, I had extra time from my other projects and the color was pink. It is an older ufo in pink, that, I could finish, if, I had time each month. It is June, and, I am almost ready to quilt it. It has been slow going, since I have stayed busy with my regular rsc projects.

Is it just me, or has blogging changed? I don't see much 'how to s' and progress reports, but, mostly finishes and promoting. Is it that quilting has changed?  I don't see many traditional projects. Just small quilts with large fabric pieces. what do you think quilters? I would really like to know.
I know I am not as chatty as I used to be.

I am linking to:


  1. That's a fun combination of colors and blocks! I like the brown and pink together. I still find plenty of blogs to read where the quilter is showing what they're working on and bits about their daily life. Looking around at posts on the link-ups is where I see that.

  2. Girlie Garden is really fun, love those polka dot flowers. There is more promotion on some blogs, but I still a lot of in progress on larger quilts. I do a lot of the same linky parties that Little Penguin Quilts participates in, so maybe it depends on which ones you are participating in?

  3. What a lovely little top! The colors are pretty together. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  4. I read at the same linkup parties. I really appreciate the How-To/Process posts! I learn so much. Laura H.
