Friday, June 16, 2023

assembling saturday soire

I went with quilty friends to an open sew, and, began putting pieces together for my Block of the month UFO Saturday soire. 

It was great to have room to lay it out on the floor.

I realized here that I had turned a row. It didn't matter if the center blocks were wrong, but, I had the ending pieces wrong.  Which, also meant, the sashing was on the wrong side. The easiest way to fix it was remove the sashing row, switch the ends and keep the blocks wrong. But, it was nearly time to go home after a long day. So, I will tackle it another time.

It is looking very pretty. I am thrilled. I have made this my one monthly goal for June. It bothers me that so many of my UFOs are great quilts that have languished for so long. I think in the beginning, I thought I could do it all. I would lose interest because I was busy. And then, I would "forget" what was out of sight. I think, I would lose interest, because of all the bright and shiny new quilts, I would see, and projects that drew me away from what I was doing. As I am getting older, there are still bright and shiny quilts to distract me, but, not as many that I want to commit.    And, I still " forget", but more from a brain that just leaks.  haha

I am linking to:


  1. WOW! This quilt is beautiful! Keep going girl, don't stop now!

  2. Very pretty. I don't see the "oops", but fix it if it bothers you! I'm like you, trying really hard to finish what was started and not get distracted by the "bright and shiny". And physically it's just harder now!

  3. It's looking more than's gorgeous! And you should be thrilled! Wow!

  4. Love the red and white!! It looks great! Thanks for linking to TGIFF!!

  5. The fabric choices really bring this quilt to life. It will cheer up a room.

  6. It is a pretty quilt. Hopefully you don't leave it in time out too long. I know the feeling about wanting to make all the pretty quilts, but not just having time at the right moments. You've been doing well at working through some of your older projects.

  7. Those reds and pinks are so pretty. It's a great quilt!

  8. This is going to be so beautiful! I think your oops may not be much of a mistake looking at the quilt online. Which means you may be closer to a finish than you thought! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  9. Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
