Tuesday, February 25, 2020

to do shoofly

My hubby's heart catheritization went well - no blockages. But, it was a long day. There were 2 emergency hearts that were the high priority, so we did a lot of waiting. The prceedure was 15 minutes, but we were there from 10:30 am to 9:30 pm. Now, we wait to see if the back surgery will be rescheduled. My mind has been a little absent lately. I was grateful for the fun little bits of machine time I have had. It does soothe the soul. I have a few new shoofly blocks.

And the pile is growing. It helps that I have several hsts ready to go in sets of 4. I found a bag of triangles not long ago that made that easier.

I finished this cute little guy for my rug. There are 12 snowman, and, this is number 9. I have 3 sides of snowmen finished here.

last week's to do:
1. quilt sand castle quilt - done
2. finish another snowman for the rug. - done
3. scraptastic star in orange - done
4. put Linda's quilt on the longarm - not done 

Next week's to do:
1. bind sand castles
2. put Linda's quilt on the longarm
3. blog one monthly goal
4. make materials list for March workshop

I am linking to:
to do tuesday


  1. so was there nothing wrong with your husbands heart? they had to check it all out before he can have back surgery - that sounds like it was a long day - hope you had some hand work and book with you!

  2. Hi Maggie! Considering you had some stressful events happening during the week, I think you did beyond fabulous on your to-do list. It is a relief to get back good news about DH's heart. Oh, it's so hard to have to wait even for great reasons like you had - such a LONG day. {{Hugs}} Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. That was a terribly long day for you! Glad you could get a little sewing therapy in - your shoofly blocks are cute!

  4. So glad to hear all is well with your husband. And the snowman is just too cute.

  5. Sewing is great to pass tedious waiting times!
    Love your snowmen, where is the pattern from??

  6. Glad you got a very good outcome from the testing. But that is a very long day. We went through something similar when My Guy was being checked out for heart issues. Emergency procedures come first and it does make for a very long day at the hospital.

  7. Glad to hear the surgery went well and that you could destress with a little sewing a few Shooflies. Thanks for sharing at the Chameleon's Colour & Inspiration Tuesday.

  8. Nice post thank you Amy
