Monday, February 3, 2020

frolic 8

Frolic 7 is done, and, now, frolic 8 is done. And I really hope ( fingers crossed) that I have the sets together. I was surprised there was so much left to cut in frolic 9.

I am getting closer and closer to seeing a block.

I am linking:


  1. All those HSTs and flying geese do take a bit to square off. Looking forward to seeing your blocks come together.

  2. I love the yellowish/green polka dot as well as the pink with gold flecks. The fabrics in this mystery quilt are so very fun. Did you pull the from your stash for the mystery? I love stash quilts!

  3. Yay for progress!! Mine is pieced but I am not sure if I will quilt or send it out. It's about 50"x70", so not the largest I have tackled, but it's so waffly!! on the edges. Ugh, I hate all that bias piecing.

  4. Did I miss something? My sashing fits my blocks, but I have an empty space between the sashings?
