Thursday, February 27, 2020

florabunda again

Warning: this project is not anywhere on my goal list for the year. I was just straightening the project area.
Last week I shared florabunda quilt, and wanted to decide if I should finish the blocks and put it away for awhile, or just put it away. I had pieces cut, and, I was at least 4 blocks short of a quilt. While I was counting and figuring, my head said - all the pieces are cut, just...... sew a few.
Next thing I know, I have 52. Well, that doesn't make a layout for a quilt. If I cut a few more yellow strips and triangles, I could go to 56. Next thing I know, I have 61. Don't watch TV while doing this, folks. I am absolutely stopping at 63. Really, I am.

I am linking to:
Oh scrap


  1. I tend to start new projects at the drop of a hat!

  2. LOL! Those are very pretty blocks. The quilt will be gorgeous!

    Thanks for linking up to Creative Compulsions!
