Friday, February 21, 2020

spike and valley block

I am reorganizing my projects( always) that I keep in my sewing room. I keep long term ufos somewhere else, and like to keep on -going projects in my room for easy access. I still have last year's projects in the room, and hope to move them out to make room for what I am currently making.
Every time I am sure one needs to move, I am so tempted to drop everything else, and work on the old project "just" a little longer.
I started this block using a new bloc loc ruler. At the start, I cut, and cut, and cut scraps with the template. I had no idea what I was going to do with the blocks, so, I just cut.

They are so cute and fun. I quickly realized, I wanted to make the blocks with more matching pieces.
So, I at least needed to cut matching pieces. I made a few star blocks and then, I could let them wait for a better time.

ummm "just" a few more.....

I am linking to:


  1. Fun stars! I love that Bloc Loc ruler. There's nothing quite like a perfect finish :-)

  2. I like your color and print combinations. I see pinked edges. Do they finish small enough that you're able to use charm squares?

  3. LOL! Are they like potato chips? Cute stars

  4. Very pretty! Some blocks are like potato chips, you can't stop with just one.

  5. Very pretty blocks and colors! I am always reorganizing too. :D
