Saturday, September 28, 2019

blue letters

I have been making more letters and catching up with blue for the rainbow scrap challenge. I am really close to having all the letters in blue that I need for my quote quilt. As pictures go, they look a little bland, but they are just what I needed.

I am linking to:
lots of purple inspiration at
rsc19 super saturday

Thursday, September 26, 2019

ringo lake finish

On ringo lake mystery quilt is finished just in time for my one monthly goal. This is my 17th quiltville mystery completion and was the 2017 mystery quilt. I really love the blocks finishing into the border. I have also finished good fortune for this month, I just don't have a picture yet. For the rest of the mystery quilts I have made, from Bonnie Hunter, check my mystery quilt page here. This will also be a finish along goal.

I had a fun backing in my stash.

This is part of my 2019 finish along goals

My list for the 3rd quarter:
1.wiggle time finished
2. allietare finished
4. sweet land of liberty
5. unicorn
6. good fortune finished
7. crazy 6
8. countryside cottage
9. sugar mountain finished
10.En provence finished
11. melba applique
12.on ringo lake finished
13. scrappy twirl
14. soul searching

I am linking to:
Finished or Not Fridays

one monthly goal

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

new start

We are home and trying to get back to reality after a whirlwind of a week for the funeral of our daughter in law. Everything about honoring her was lovely, and there was a huge support for her family and my son. Getting back to life will be the hardest part for him, and I wish we could have stayed longer. My back cooperated completely.

We had time to attend the Payson temple with our daughter. It was beautiful.

visit a mountain stream

and play with our Grandkids.

And find a new quilt project.

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Thursday, September 19, 2019


We are staying with our daughter for the funeral. She is a wonderful quilter. These are some of her hexie projects.

And she still has the poster I sent her. awww

I am linking to:

Finished or Not Fridays

Monday, September 16, 2019


It is with great sadness that we have lost our daughter in law. We will be spending the next week in Utah with our son. It will be great to spend time with our daughter and grandchildren who is there as well. Our oldest son will travel with us. It was unexpected and a very hard thing. But, we are comforted knowing that families are forever and we will see her again.

Saturday, September 14, 2019


I used my purple 2 1/2 inch strips to make 4 patches for an Irish chain quilt

And 8 patches? for woven checkerboard

I needed to do last month's blue to finish what I need for the quilt.

And I played with letters in purple.

I am linking to:
lots of purple inspiration at
rsc19 super saturday

Friday, September 13, 2019

scarecrow rug

Hubby and I had a great time at the wool keepers rug hooking event in Danville, Indiana. It was my first big car trip and away from home time since back surgery. I really enjoyed the rug hookers, and their enthusiasm. There were more vendors there than usual, and the colors of wool were worth drinking in and feeling the inspiration. Rug hooking has been a wonderful way to meet with some very lovely women in my area. But, just like quilting, I have enough wool and enough projects so that I didn't plan on buying or starting anything else. Cue the the audience laughing.
In my defense, I had made it around the vendors twice before I saw Mr. Scarecrow.

HE was so quirky and different. The designer was so nice and friendly. She showed me her plan with her wool to hook him. She was planning to keep the linen background and just hook the scarecrow and use these colors. Aren't they beautiful? He is 65 inches tall, so the plan is to hang him on the door.

I only bought one piece of wool for this rug. I am sure I have most of what I will need in my wool stash.

It is still a struggle to sit and rug hook with my back, but it is getting better and I look forward to getting back to my rug hooking. I am still working on the snowman rug. Big decision - put snowmen aside and start the new fall project or finish what I am hooking and do the Mr. scarecrow next. hmmmm. or take another nap.

I am linking to:

Finished or Not Fridays

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

rsc letters

My hubby made pickled green tomatoes with some masterful coaching from me. I have always felt bad about the tomatoes at the end of the season, that we don't get harvested. If these are yummy, we may have found the answer. I want to try a green tomato salsa as well. We still have more than enough red tomatoes to eat and maybe still can for the winter.

I have met a bit with my quilting friends, and since I still can't take my machine with back limitations, I used the time to cut some more letters for my quote quilt. After I finished the quote letters, I used the same scraps to cut a few tiny Tuesday pieces. I forgot to bring labels so they are the ones with a purple napkin piece.

This is the book I am using. I really like how these letters are made.

With some of the letters, I had to leave them in the book to  know what they are.

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chameleon color linky

Saturday, September 7, 2019


I needed to catch up my crayons for the rainbow scrap challenge. I made a pink one from July.  I made lavender and purple for September.

We are off today to a rug hooking event.

I am linking to:
lots of purple inspiration at
rsc19 super saturday

Friday, September 6, 2019

carolina chain blocks

Last Friday, I was able to meet with my Friday quilt group. I took my away project which is carolina chain. I was able to get 28 blocks done.  I need over 300. and I have nearly 100 finished.

These are my favorites.

Some of the blocks, are just to use up scraps, but some of them I really like.

I am linking to:

Finished or Not Fridays

Thursday, September 5, 2019

swap blocks

I didn't get all my swap blocks done for August and it is time to work on September as well.
I make them bigger and trim them down before I give them to my swap partners. Each month we exchange 30 blocks.

We are making them 4 1/2 inches unfinished. So far, the blocks I have received have been great.

The weather has been beautiful, but I can tell fall is coming. I look forward to cider and maybe a roasted marshmallow or two.

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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

one monthly goal

I can't believe it is September already. And it's time for choosing goals for One monthly goal at elm street quilts. This is the month I am going to finally finish On Ringo Lake mystery quilt.....I hope.
After finishing the top last month, I had a few places I needed to flip the sashings. This pesky little guy was nearly in the center of the quilt. Fortunately, he was a lone wolf taunting me, and not part of a series of flipped pieces.

I plan to stay with the mystery quilts, and finish good fortune mystery quilt as well.

I am behind on swap blocks, and the rainbow scrap challenges as well.

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