Friday, August 25, 2023

hand me down finish

Hand me down is finished. This is an older UFo from 2018. I found this pattern in the first Bonnie Hunter book scraps and shirttails. I brought this out of the UFO closet in March of this year, and, it was a top in April. I love this quilt. It is more colorful than it appears on camera. It is made with recycled shirts and a blue from my stash. It was part of my 5 quilts project, but, was late making it to the longarm.

90 x 90 - 21 yards

I quilted it with swirls on the longarm and used scraps of shirts for the binding. I had a gray sheet for the backing. It is soft and cozy. Again, I like making shirt quilts.

This is a finish for my one monthly goal  and PHD

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TGIFF different   

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  1. This quilt is awesome, definitely a manly quilt. Happy stitching!

  2. A beautiful finish! Even better it's an older UFO. You've been so persistent in finishing up those UFOs.

  3. I love this one. This block could be useful to reduce the amount of triangles accumulating in my scrap boxes. Congrats on this country charm finish. ;^)

  4. I like the idea of shirt quilts and I like this variation on the theme. I have so much stash that I haven't actually started making any though.

  5. There is something comforting about older shirts incorporated into a quilt. They are soft and reassuring. Also, it is a great way to upcycle.

  6. What a beautiful finish! Love the recycled shirts!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  7. I'm so happy to see this one finished because I really like it. That blue is perfect with these shirts. Congratulations on a great finish! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
