Monday, August 21, 2023

uneven nine patch

 I needed to cut a bunch of 4 1/2 inch squares ( blocks from a swap and quilt here ) for the rest of the uneven 9 patches I have left. I was able to see a size of quilt that I would want with some of them. I think I want it longer, as far as I can, with what I have left of the blocks. I have been able to use up smaller pieces of cream scraps for the 4 1/2 inch alternate blocks. It feels good to clean up a stack of odd pieces.

one of my 5 quilts project

My Granddaughter has moved in with us to attend the local university. I have had to move my quilting out of her room into unknown crevices. I will have to figure out a new normal, but, sew worth it.

I am linking:


  1. Those uneven 9 patches are really fun, it's going to be a pretty scrap quilt. Hope you can find a new place to set up for your stitching. With room and board what they are these days, it's nice that you are able to help out your granddaughter. Stay cool and stitch (that's pretty much my motto these days as it's too hot to do much else).

  2. The blocks are very pretty! Enjoy your college student, I'm sure she appreciates your home and food!

  3. Your uneven 9-patches are so fun. I know you are happy to have your granddaughter staying with you while she attends college! Thanks for sharing on Monday Musings and I hope you find your new normal soon!

  4. Love the scrappy warmth in this one! Enjoy having your granddaughter around. I'm sure it will be an adjustment but yes, the time together will be great!

  5. Love your uneven nine-patches! Kudos to you for providing your granddaughter a place to live while at school. Hope you can find some suitable space for your sewing stuff.

  6. How lovely your granddaughter has come to stay! It might slow you down a bit as you rearrange things, but so worth it. Meanwhile your nine patch blocks are looking good! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  7. I like the design -- the occasional prints in the squares add a lot of interest (instead of all-the-same-plain). Hope all goes well for your granddaughter's school year!

  8. Enjoy the extra special time with your grand-daughter. The inconvenience of needing to move your quilting stuff will be worth it in the end. Thanks for sharing in Sew & Tell

  9. Hi Maggie, How nice for you to see Granddaughter more often while she goes to school. Plus room and board at your house is priceless! I like your uneven 9 patches, and like that you are making it bigger. Good job. Hugs, Judy
