Monday, August 7, 2023

A pile of leftovers

I had a stack of leftover riley blake fabrics that coordinated rather well. I decided to cut another trip around the world donation quilt. I wanted to cut a bigger size than my last one. This time, I cut 4 inch strips. I want to see the difference. I was cleaning up a spot, and had this leftover pile waiting for an idea. I am not sure when I will start on it. But, the pile is gone.

I hope my reds are different enough


  1. You go, Maggie -- tackle those scraps!

  2. Looking forward to seeing the TATW with these fabrics!

  3. Wonderful fabrics for a Trip Around the World!

  4. Those are cute prints! I bet they'll work well for your quilt idea!

  5. Those fabrics are perfect for a trip around the world. Can't wait to see it in the new size. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
