Monday, August 28, 2023

more spoolin around

2 weeks ago, I opened the spoolin around leader/ ender ufo from 2013. I discovered that some of the blocks were not pieced right.

first, I took the halves apart, so, I could just switch the direction of the spools, but, then, I realized, that the individual spools needed work too. I took them all apart down to individual spools again. I made these 10 years ago, and, my skills were not as good as they are now. I knew I could do better, and, I did.

Now, that they are blocks, again, I can begin to make rows.

I can't believe it is the end of August.. and summer. This week, hubby and I will celebrate our 49th wedding anniversary. Our tomatoes are busy. This year we have dehydrated them to see if we like it that way. It takes up less room. 
I had two quilt finishes this month. One of them was my one monthly goal  at elm street quilts. It will be time to report for PHD at quilting gail.

I am linking:


  1. Hi Maggie! Happy Anniversary to you and DH. I love your spool blocks. They look like a stack of fun. I'm impressed that you took them apart and resewed them. My luck, not only would my skills from back in the day be lacking but I probably would have no longer liked the fabrics. That has definitely happened to me before! Happy Monday to you. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Happy anniversary!! Those spool blocks look terrific. It was worth taking them apart to fix them. We probably can all relate to how much improvement we see in our skills over the years.

  3. You and I are both working on 10 year old UFOs. It will feel so good to get those finished. You have more to do than I do, your blocks are a lot smaller. We've still got enough year left to finish at least one or two more. Good luck!

  4. How did you mis-piece the blocks? I looked at the earlier post and this one and can't figure it out. Happy anniversary!

  5. Happy Anniversary! I so like your colorful spools. Leaders and Enders are so satisfying to put together. I had a finish of one myself with hourglass blocks. Congrats on finishing your quilting. It looks so nice. Look forward to seeing it.

  6. Happy Anniversary! Such an achievement. Most people would think, just sew the spool blocks together and be done with it, but I always say, if it bothers you, fix it so I would have done what you did and take them apart to resew. The point is to be happy, right? Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  7. Fantastic that you had the patience to re-piece some of these blocks and make something wonderful from them. Happy Anniversary!

  8. I love spool blocks! It's a job to unsew and resew them, though! Happy anniversary!!

  9. How wonderful that you now have a finished quilt - made with materials that you first started quilting with, and that you love the results. Happy anniversary to you! Our 50th is next spring. Doesn't feel like nearly 50 years to me....until I start walking around with 2 bum knees (knee replacements to come). I'll be the bionic woman when those are new again! Deb E
