Thursday, October 31, 2019

basket one monthly goal

I have a dozen of these batting boards to use for block piecing. I never remember to use them, but, they came in handy for preparing my basket blocks. I really enjoyed making the blocks once the hard decision was made about which baskets to put where. It was really easy to chain sew, without the pressure of choosing.

I made a few basket blocks first thing in the mornings, and every chance I had, in between other projects. I was surprised how quickly I had a pile of blocks.

I had enough swap baskets to make 57 blocks of four. Each basket is different and even made by a different quilter. I love them. I tend to be very sentimental about these things.
Here and here is more about my project. My one monthly goal for October was to uncover the project and prepare a plan. I did that, and then, couldn't stop working on them.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2019


I really had no intention of starting another "string" project, but, I did want to clean the treadle area from the last one. As I picked up the strings all over the place, I just sort of started sewing them like the new Bonnie Hunter wonky courthouse steps. Oh my, they are fun. She is offering this pattern as a freebie and it is downloadable on her site.

I am making mine really stringy and scrappy with leftovers from the mess I have made "stringing" before this.

I just needed to trim a few to get an idea of the size and look of the block. I do like the wonky part.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2019


I had the pineapple template and project out last week, and I wanted to try another round before I lose interest again.

It would be helpful at this time, to decide the size I am making. haha

you tube video

I started it here and here.

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to do tuesday

Monday, October 28, 2019

setting triangles

I need to make setting triangles for Bonnie Hunter's garden party. The count for the 9 patch units included what I would need for the triangles, so I didn't need to make the 3 square unit. I did have to cut and make the 2 square unit and 1 square unit.

I need one more piece for the bottom, and it will be the extras from the 9 patch units.

And our youngest Grandchild - isn't he a cute lil pumpkin?

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Saturday, October 26, 2019

blue letters

Again more letters, this time in blue. I think that does it for this year. Now, to start putting everything together. I am making these as part of the rainbow scrap challenge.

Fortunately my friends are doing something that doesn't have more letters, and more interesting to view. These are destined for donation quilts.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Lucy's basket

My one monthly goal for October was to make a plan for 230 swap baskets I have, and decide a plan. All I needed was a plan, and, the next thing I know, I am obsessed with these scrappy baskets.

Now my big worry is that, I did the math early on for how much fabric I would need for the sashings, and I had enough. Now, I wonder if my math was wonky, and what will I do if I run out of the fabric.

I know I will have enough to do each block, but maybe not enough to sash the blocks together.
I can tell I am going to have trouble with the basket feet since the blocks were made by 3 different people. I am still going to love it in any case. I love seeing each fabric as I put the blocks together.

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Thursday, October 24, 2019

garden party chain

I have made 81 chain blocks for my garden party quilt. I really like looking at them like this. The stacks look impressive. It takes a bit of time to make these, and eventually they will be part of a quilt.
Now, I need to trim these and start the setting triangles.

One of my unexpected finds at the Indy quilt show, was an actual rug hooking project. It was in the garage sale among some bags of scraps. I just had to bring it home. I have a plan to make hooked chair pads for my dining room chairs. I have one done, and this will be a great addition.

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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

wonky star

My goal was to make the tiny tuesday block called wonky stars. Each block finishes at 4 inches, so the scraps do not have to be very big. I searched through my little scraps for pink star points.

Each star point block is sewn free form and can be wonky. That is a fun way to sew. - no pressure

I webbed the rows together in a 9 patch kind of way.

And set on the diagonal for the tiny tuesday sampler.

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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

pineapple template

I have been anxious to pull out the pineapple project bin, and get back to making these blocks.
I was also worried that I wouldn't remember how or what I was doing.
This is the kind of quilt that makes scraps so much fun.

I am using the creative grids template which makes it easy to remember what I need to do.

I had 4 blocks I was working on at a time and they are now trimmed and ready for the next round.

I thought I would try to find the mini pineapple ruler in the wild, until I saw this quilt at the last quilt show. That is tiny. But, then it motivated me to revisit my project, so I am still going to look for the ruler, and, then, decide.

I started it here and here.

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to do tuesday

Monday, October 21, 2019

finished 4 patches

I have all (512) the 4 patches sewn for sand castles. It took most of the year to sew them as leaders and enders for other projects. I am ready to start cutting the setting pieces for this quilt. I am not in a hurry and didn't plan on finishing this year even, but the 4 patches seemed to go on forever.

But, oops, the cutting table has suffered a bit this year. Partly because I couldn't bend over after back surgery - still can't - to put stuff where they go and partly, if I felt like quilting I wanted to sew. But, I think it is time to address this mess. Where would you start -  if you ever let it get this bad?

I started sand castles here and here and here.

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Saturday, October 19, 2019

more letters

I definitely overdid the letter quilts this year, But I have had a great time with them, and I am not done yet. I feel like all I blog about are letters. I made yellow letters....

and purple letters....

I have more blue to do.
I am slowly putting some of my quilt show purchases away. I have this bundle of homespuns. They may be not trending now, but I like them and everything comes around again.

I bought these paper pieced kaleidoscopes and all the papers printed.

For now, I will put these treasures away for someday.

Friday, October 18, 2019

string quilt

I have been working on this string block quilt for a long time. It was interrupted by my back surgery. I restarted it as soon as I was comfortable to treadle again. So far it has all been done on the treadle.
There are lots of strings in this quilt. I have it to the top stage and need to decide on borders. I am glad to be far enough along that I can clean up the mess. A string quilt tends to be very messy.

It was pumpkin carving time with our Grandchildren last weekend and it was great fun.

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