Monday, October 21, 2019

finished 4 patches

I have all (512) the 4 patches sewn for sand castles. It took most of the year to sew them as leaders and enders for other projects. I am ready to start cutting the setting pieces for this quilt. I am not in a hurry and didn't plan on finishing this year even, but the 4 patches seemed to go on forever.

But, oops, the cutting table has suffered a bit this year. Partly because I couldn't bend over after back surgery - still can't - to put stuff where they go and partly, if I felt like quilting I wanted to sew. But, I think it is time to address this mess. Where would you start -  if you ever let it get this bad?

I started sand castles here and here and here.

I am linking:


  1. LOL I still have things sitting on my table from when we got home from our trip and I dumped it all - I must clean too and I haven't even plugged the machine back in yet!

  2. Oh, boy! Yes, I have let mine get that bad and it's a bigger surface area than yours appears to be. I lost a quilt top to the mess one time. I start by putting away the bigger things and throw scraps to be dealt with into a box. When the box is full, I have to deal with cutting/sorting it for the scrap savers system ala Bonnie Hunter. I haven't yet but think Jo Kramer's system of cutting for a specific quilt or quilts when dealing with scraps is a great idea but you have to be organized to do of these days because that would be so efficient!

  3. Congratulations! Your cutting table wins! Mine is bad too but not quite this involved. On the other hand I have been trying to clean it up for weeks without a whole lot of progress. So start by folding all the hunks of fabric that you can. It might need to be broken into smaller chunks of time. Maybe grab a handful and fold while watching TV. If everything was folded neatly and stacked I bet it would look lots better and give you more room to play in! Good luck.

  4. Ha ha, I always let my cutting table get like this. I start to declutter by making like piles - fabric to be put away, scraps to sort, test pieces (I save these for a someday sampler), marking tools, etc. I find that by doing it this way I run around a lot less, but where I sew is not the same room where my fabric is located. If everything is in one room then maybe it's better to start at a corner and work your way in. Good luck! ;)

    Andrea in St. Louis

  5. Four patches are my go-to leader ender! I've made hundreds over the years.
    I would start by sorting the fabrics into either scraps or yardage, by color, then into bins or drawers it goes.
