finished 2021

 1. 2 valentine pillowcases  1/20/21

2. orange slice 1/2021

76 x76

3. pink flannel baby quilt 01/21

42 x54

4. flannel baby quilt 1/2021

5. Spring table topper 1/21

6. yellow and black boxy stars 2/25/21

7. floating stars 4/2021

8. baby snoopy 5/21

9. flower rug 5/21

16 x 16

10. Zuckerwatte 6/21 bonnie Hunter string fling

11. wool sheep pillow 6/21

12. sunflower chair pad 6/21

13. Aunt Elizas star 7/31/21

14. ode to joey 9/5/21

15. Scrappy rainbow irish chain 10/21

16. almost amish - jos country junction 10/30/21

17. lightening 11/12/21

18. on the go 11/19/21

20. sheep bag rug hooking 6/21


  1. Wow you are speedy! It is only the 6th and you have completed projects! Way to go!

  2. So many beautiful quilts in 2021. Congratulations on a great year in quilts!
