Friday, November 19, 2021

one monthly goal finish

 This cute donation quilt is finished. I bought this as a kit a few years ago. I thought it would make a cute boy donation quilt. This is my one monthly goal for November too.

I had it to the top stage here  at the beginning of the month and now it is finished. I really like the fabric.


I hand sewed the binding  and sprinkled stars in the quilting

Our guild's annual donation night was Tuesday and we had many quilts turned in and were given to the police department and family services.

I am linking to:


TGIFF different     here  and here

boms away  sunday
PHD 2021 at quilting gail
one monthly goal at elm street quilts


  1. Great finish on your omg, I always miss the end date to post! It sure feels good to have a project complete! I have a sew day tomorrow so I should get something done! Stay safe and sew on !

  2. This is so cute and cheerful, I'm confident it made some little boy very happy. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.

  3. Adorable project. It turned out great.

  4. That is a great quilt! and wow - what a pile! that is amazing!

  5. Well done on your finish and to the others who donated as well.

  6. Looks great! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.
