Monday, November 29, 2021

5 quilts november 29

 My 5 quilts progress report.

1.checkered past -The top is finished and I am preparing the backing and binding before it goes in the quilting pile.      And then, it won't be on the list anymore.   Here is a link to the finish top.

2. fish school - this is a year long project for the quiltville leader/ender challenge. 

3. scrappy mountain majesties - I added a border to the scrappy quilt. I used chunks of leftover fabric from the top. Next I will find a back and prepare the binding, and send it off to the "to be quilted" closet. It's exciting to finish all the piecing on a quilt, but a little discouraging that I have so many yet to be quilted
This will be leaving the list too

4. boho heart -I  cut many 1 1/2 inch strips in neutral and made a hexie. I cut the background too small so I will have to add a frame.

5.full stop quilt that Angela is doing for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.- I made the periods this week, but, I didn't join them until I know how I want to make them in the quilt. I am missing one of the months, but, I couldn't find it at so scrappy, yet. And, I just had an idea of how to make this simple quilt more complicated....sigh

In an effort to reduce my jelly roll population, I have added this jelly roll to my etsy store

My next on the longarm of my own quilts in the 'to be quilted' closet 

1. wonky courthouse - hunter - need to piece a back and prepare the binding - on the frame - quilted - needs bound

2. hourglass leader ender challenge - hunter - piecing the backing and binding 

3, end of the rainbow rsc

4. row rainbow rsc

5. gray baby flannel

I am linking:


  1. "TBQ Closet." How big is it? LOL. I really like the Scrappy Mountains and the pieced border.

  2. It would be nice to have a quilter waiting in your TBQ closet, right? ;) Your mountain majesties is gorgeous, and I love the "chunky" border.
    Thanks for linking to To Do Tuesday! :)

  3. Glad you figured out which month of Full Stop you were missing! Scrappy Mountains is so pretty - the border is perfect for it.

  4. I love how the mountains have turned out--the border really sets them off!

  5. I'm always so impressed with how much you get done! Checkered Past and Scrappy Mountain Majesties turned out so nice. Can't wait to see them quilted! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
